Sunday, August 10, 2008

New to this blog thing....

blog... Really, who came up with "blog" sounds like a bodily function you wouldn't want others to know about...

Man what's that smell?!?

oh sorry I just blogged...

Well I guess I'll have to learn to blog.. so if I can't think of anything to type is that Bloggers Block? and yes I've lived under a rock.. I've never read a blog before.. much less wrote one...

Well here it goes...

My Name is Lori, I'm Happy from Happy monkey art...Well, I like to make things from clay and play around on etsy. let see here... I'm 25 and have a cool dog.. I'll be looking for random pages on ETSY on things I think are pretty cool and posting them on here.. But I'm not going to ask the normal questions... Why did you get into painting.. but more like... Do you ever really hate some one and paint to keep from hurting them, kind of things :)

So I'm claying today with my little niece... And my nine year old niece asked me why I had a Ghost made from clay... seeing as I haven't made a ghost I was really confused... I then realized she is holding a thee inch long clay Super Sperm.. and I told her.. That's not a Ghost silly.. It's a spit wad.. She said ewww and sat it down not to think twice about it... crisis diverted!

Well I think I'm all out of things to say.. i had a busy day with kids around and the funny has been sucked from my soul from entertaining little ones today.. i need at least a little while to recharge...

Yup I'm a rambler...


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